

Tier One Scholarships

There are typically over 50 scholarships available through the BHS Scholarship Tier One application. The 2024-25 Scholarships are listed within the link below. 

Any questions, please see Mrs. Mayette or Mrs. Rice or email [email protected].


2024-25 Scholarship Informational Slide Deck

List of Tier One Scholarships - 2024-25

Scholarship Tier One Application Form - 2024-25

Tier Two Scholarships 

Tier Two Scholarships are community scholarships that are available to all BHS students. The basic criteria for each scholarship is outlined in the link listed. Once you read through all of the criteria, determine which you qualify for and complete the specific application requirements for that scholarship. Each one is specific and they vary greatly.

These scholarships are not managed by Berlin High School, we simply list them to show students what is available.


Tier Two Scholarships 2024-25 Scholarships


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